For many, the rush hour commute into the office is now a distant memory with working from home becoming the “new normal”.
But… are you really working from home or do you now find yourself living at work?
Have you progressed from eating just your lunch at your desk to your entire family each eating 3 meals per day at your desk (aka the kitchen table) with previously defined work and home-life time now combined into one?
Our perspective
My experience has led me to understand that definition between home life and work life is fundamental for being fully present and performing to the best of your ability in each role.
Whenever I have attempted to balance the two, I’ve not excelled at any of my roles – business leader, father, or husband. In fact, it is taking the kids to the park that often reminds me of this, neither kid has fun when the see-saw is perfectly balanced, they are sat, long-faced with legs dangling a couple of inches off the ground.
How can you improve the definition between the two areas?
An easy win is to go for an outside walk between breakfast and starting work duties. This really helps to mentally park the never-ending home-life to-do list and begin to process work-related thoughts.
If you are fortunate to have an area or room at home which you can designate as an office (do you really need that walk-in wardrobe?) then make full benefit of it. This will allow you to come away from work, physically closing the door when you have finished, you could even add a lock on the door.
For many busy family homes, there are no spare spaces or rooms so converting a garage or shed, or even building a fancy garden studio, has enabled efficient home working with the benefits of physical separation offered by a traditional rented office or desk space.
But, how do you get fast internet in a Garden Office?
We have extended fast, reliable internet and WiFi into loads of converted Garage Offices and Garden Studios from the customer’s house via a hard-wired link or a super-fast Point-to-Point wireless link. This depends upon the layout and distances involved, but there’s always a way so don’t allow technology, or lack of, to stop you from setting yourself up for healthy, sustainable home working and to stop living at work!
P.S. Did you know we’re the recommended supplier of Garden Studio WiFi in Bristol for two of the area’s leading suppliers, MOSS Design & Chew Valley Garden Studios!